Financial Aid
Financial Aid & Federal Assistance
Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic (CARE) Act
Policy and Procedure
Grant Award P425E205068
The U.S. Department of Education has awarded Fort Pierce Beauty Academy and its two campuses, Port St Lucie Beauty Academy and Beauty and Massage Institute, the Coronavirus And Relief Emergency (CARE) Grant in the amount of $354,411. In accordance with the federal regulations, we have established a policy and procedure for the disbursement of funds to our students using one of the suggested methods of calculation. This Grant allocates that 100% of the emergency financial aid grant must be exclusively for the students.
Students should set aside these funds to assist with the cost of living expenses while attending school during this pandemic.
Our institution chose the Pell Grant as a means of which to perform our calculation. The following calculation has been used to determine the total disbursement amount for each student using their individual weekly scheduled hours and then the payment periods used to distribute funds:
Our institution’s total award of $354,411 was divided by our student’s total scheduled hours per week of 2924 equaling $75.00/clock hour. This is the hourly rate used for calculation. Multiply this hourly rate by the student’s current weekly schedule hours to obtain the eligibility for that student. Examples: Currently all funds for the COVID 19 had been exhausted. Each student will be eligible for only one grant, and only one application will be considered per student. The grant may be issued in two separate payments to better assist with ongoing financial needs. All disbursements will be accounted for by means of posting directly to each student’s ledger titled as CARE (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Act). Only students who are participating in courses actively and who are in good standing will be eligible to receive a grant. Click here to learn about the quarterly expenditures of the CARES Act funding we received.
We are disbursing with complete transparency and accountability, making sure everyone knows the formula used to determine the emergency financial aid grant. We are posting this policy and procedure on our website to allow full disclosure to the public as well as our student body and staff.

Accepted Federal Assistance Programs
Academies of Cosmetology, Inc. participates in the following Federal Financial assistance programs:
- PELL Grants
- Direct Student Loans
Federal assistance is available for those that qualify to help students pay for their education and training after high school. Additional information on financial aid is available from the Financial Aid Office during normal business hours.
Pell Grants and Loans
Pell Grants are awards of Federal Aid Funds ranging up to $7,395. The amount is based on a determination by the US Department of Education of the Students’ needs. A Pell Grant is an entitlement, which means if a student qualifies for a Pell Grant and is awarded he/she will receive it. If all qualifications have been met, the method of payment for the Pell Grant is where the Department of Education issues a check to the School to assist in payment for the courses that the student decides to enroll in. Disbursements are usually made in two payments for Pell Grants. Aid from this Federal program does not automatically continue from one year to the next; students must reapply every year. Forms are available from the school’s administrative office or can be filled out online by clicking the link below.
Subsidized and unsubsidized loans are awards of financial aid ranging up to the $3500 maximum of subsidized loans, $6000 maximum unsubsidized for independent students and $2000 for dependent students.
When applying for a Pell Grant please use our School Code which is (016573).
To apply for a Federal Pell Grant, a student must first meet the following general eligibility requirements:
- US citizen or eligible non-citizen
- Have received a High School Diploma or GED
- Be enrolled in classes leading to a U.S. Department of Education approved certificate or degree. Check this list for approved degrees and/or certificates for financial aid purposes.
- Not be in default on a Federal Student Loan
- Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
VA Benefits
Veterans Training Available