Enroll in Massage Therapy Classes
Your new career path is right in front of you! Start your path as a massage therapist in under a year of school. Classes start throughout the year and are flexible to fit into your busy schedule. Contact us today to find out about early enrollment. We offer full financial aid to those who qualify. As the oldest school in the quad-county area, we’ve been proudly teaching students about cosmetology for over 50 years. Our small class sizes give you the hands-on, real-life experience you need to succeed as a professional massage therapist. Contact us today to learn more information about our massage program.
Please print and complete Admission Application for interview.

Become a Massage Therapist
Massage therapy careers have grown in prevalence and popularity in recent years. As healthcare costs soar, more people are looking for innovative and more affordable options to treat their medical concerns like aches and pains, depression, and anxiety. Because of this phenomenon, there is currently a high demand for massage therapists. In our massage program, you will learn subjects such as anatomy, physiology (bones, organs, and tissues), kinesiology (motion and mechanics), pathology (diseases and conditions), business ethics, and more. You’ll also learn a wide variety of massage styles, such as Western (Swedish) massage, sports massage, and deep-tissue massage. Recently, we have even included training in professional medical massage. Our massage program will include lectures from instructors, hands-on practice with fellow students, and extensive real-life work on clients from the community. Earn a career in an exciting growing field; enroll today!
Our Courses
Throughout your massage school journey, you’ll learn a wide variety of styles and techniques, but also safety concerns. Included in our program are classes that cover:
- Understanding various modalities and their uses
- Identifying and mastering the study of anatomy
- Proper techniques to prevent the spread of disease
- Medical errors and ways to avoid them
- A history of the profession
- Management skills such as daily operation, office environment, and intaking client history
- Mastering the laws governing massage and the ethics of the profession
CS# | Hours | Subjects | Services |
CS#MHA100 | Hours234 | SubjectsAnatomy & Physiology (154 hrs), Kinesiology (40 hrs), and Pathology (40 hrs) | ServicesTo learn anatomy & physiology and identify various parts of the anatomy |
CS#MAM101 | Hours86 | SubjectsAllied Modalities | ServicesTo understand the various modalities and their uses and applications. |
CS#MAM102 | Hours150 | SubjectsSwedish, Deep Tissue, Traditional Chinese Medicine | ServicesTo understand a variety of massage techniques used in the field. |
CS#MAA104 | Hours3 | SubjectsHIV/AIDS Education | ServicesTo understand & prevent HIV transmission. |
CS#MMC102 | Hours231 | SubjectsBasic Massage Theory (100) History of Massage (6) Clinical Practicum (125) | ServicesTo be able to do a full as well as a partial body massage within allotted time frames. History of the profession. |
CS#MHY103 | Hours15 | SubjectsTheory and practice of Hydrotherapy | ServicesTo learn application and practical uses of hydro massage. |
CS#MME105 | Hours2 | SubjectsMedical Errors | ServicesTo learn about medical errors and ways to avoid them. |
CS#MFL106 | Hours14 | SubjectsFL Law Chap 456, Statues Chap 480 & FL Administrative Code 64B7 | ServicesTo provide an understanding of the laws governing massage (10 hrs). Covers the ethics of the massage profession (4 hrs). |
CS#MBB107 | Hours15 | SubjectsBusiness Skills & Professional Development | ServicesTo provide management skills, operation of office environment and intake of clients history. |
CS#750 | HoursTotal Hours | Subjects | Services |
Massage Costs
$13,095 | Tuition |
$150 | Registration Fee |
$700 | Graduation/Processing Fee |
$13,945 | Total Cost of Your Education |