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The following program is offered only at our Vero Beach Location.

In this 600 clock hour program, we will teach you how to master the perfect manicure and pedicure, as well as develop techniques such as nail shaping, art, and specialties like application and maintenance of acrylics. Additionally, with your new esthetics and skincare skills, you can help meet your customers’ everyday beauty needs with lash services, facials, waxes, and makeup application.

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Beautician applying polish to nails


This program is designed to introduce the lay person to the science of Full Specialty through theoretical training and practical application instilling good work habits, ethics, good grooming, and professionalism. Students are “fine tuned” and polished so that upon graduating the student is at the entry level of acceptable performance in the business world of Full Specialty. This training can result in employment as an esthetician or skin specialist, nail technician, salon or school owner, teacher, platform artist just to name a few. The subjects to be covered are:

Our Full Specialty Course Schedule

Hours5SubjectFlorida LawSchoolState
Hours20SubjectSanitization & SterilizationSchoolState
Hours4SubjectAIDS AwarenessSchoolState
Hours10SubjectEthics & ProfessionalismSchoolState
Hours70SubjectFacial TechniquesSchool55State45
Hours85SubjectSkin Theory & AnalysisSchool10State
Hours15SubjectMakeup TechniquesSchool25State10
Hours29SubjectLash & Brow TreatmentsSchool35State20
Hours20SubjectHair RemovalSchool20State20
Hours90SubjectNail TheorySchoolState
Hours42.5SubjectTips with OverlaySchool20State15
Hours42.5SubjectSculpting Using a FormSchool20State15
Hours15SubjectNail Wraps/MendingSchool15State10
Hours10SubjectNails FillsSchool15State10
Hours5SubjectArtificial Nail RemovalSchool10State5
Hours20SubjectAdvanced Nail PracticesSchool15State
Hours7SubjectNail Art & PolishingSchool10State10

Full Specialty

Vero Beach location only

$150.00Registration Fee
$175.00Graduation/Processing Fee
$10,475.00 Total Cost

All fees subject to change

Have a Career in Less Than a Year!