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Enroll in Cosmetology School Today!

Take control of your life by enlisting in the cosmetology school at Academies of Cosmetology, Inc. Our college helps people with all types of backgrounds learn the intricacies of cosmetology and its associated services. From pedicures to hair coloring and everything in between, we give you the skills you need to succeed. Our college is fully licensed and accredited. We’ve been proudly providing students with cosmetology licenses for over 50 years. We offer full financial aid and funding to those who qualify. There’s never a better time to enroll in the world of cosmetology. If you already enrolled in another school, we accept transfers with possible credits. Call our admissions office today to learn more.

Please print and complete Admission Application for interview.

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woman getting makeup done

Learn Every Aspect of Cosmetology

In our cosmetology program, you will learn about the four key pillars of beauty: hair, nails, makeup, and skincare. We will teach you how to help create a signature look for your customers and how to satisfy their styling wishes through the development of your hair cutting, styling, and coloring skills. We will also teach you how to master the perfect manicure and pedicure, as well as develop techniques such as nail shaping, art, and specialties like application and maintenance of acrylics. With your new esthetics and skincare skills, you can help meet your customers’ everyday beauty needs with facials, waxes, and makeup application. We design our program to cover every aspect of cosmetology, taking you to expert level in only seven months. Take advantage of our small class sizes and hands-on experiences.

Our Cosmetology Schedule

Hours9SubjectFlorida LawSchoolState
Hours35SubjectSanitization & SterilizationSchoolState
Hours4SubjectAIDS AwarenessSchoolState
Hours108SubjectShampooing and RinsesSchool300State50
Hours138SubjectWet Hair StylingSchool300State300
Hours48SubjectThermal Hair StylingSchool48State
Hours11.5SubjectSuperfluous Hair RemovalSchool15State
Hours41SubjectHair & Scalp TreatmentsSchool45State45
Hours59.5SubjectHair ColoringSchool45State45
Hours36.5SubjectHair LighteningSchool8State
Hours144.5SubjectPermanent WavingSchool80State65
Hours54SubjectHair StraighteningSchoolState
Hours64SubjectHair ShapingSchool150State75
Hours22SubjectWigs & HairpiecesSchoolState
Hours70.5SubjectStructure of the Skin, Hair & NailsSchoolState
Hours128SubjectPrecision HaircuttingSchoolState
Hours11.5SubjectSalon Management & SalesSchoolState
Hours1200SubjectTotal HoursSchoolState

Exciting Job Outlook for Cosmetologists

The job demand for cosmetologists and hairdressers is projected to grow 8% through the year 2032, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Additionally, as many as 89,400 cosmetology jobs are expected to be added nationwide. Enroll at Academies of Cosmetology, Inc. today and complete your program in only seven months. A new and exciting career awaits you.

Cosmetology Costs

$150Registration Fee
$225Graduation/Processing Fee
$20,825Total Cost of Your Education

All fees subject to change

Have a Career in Less Than a Year!