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Join Our Barber School in Port St. Lucie, FL

Have you been disenchanted by your current school? Feeling lost? Do you prefer working with your hands in real-life situations with real people? Enlist in our barber school program at Academies of Cosmetology, Inc. We make it easy for students to join our fully accredited institution, accepting transfers, and offering financial aid and funding. We’re the oldest school in the quad-county area, helping students with all aspects of cosmetology for over 52 years. Contact our admissions office today to learn more information and apply to the Academies of Cosmetology, Inc.!

Please print and complete Admission Application for interview.

Contact Us

man using straight razor to shave a face

About Our School

Our barbering program will teach students the essentials required to become a licensed barber. In our program, you will learn how to cultivate your strengths in cutting and styling men’s hair and short hair, as well as the art of a good shave. Our programs involve both classroom learning and hands-on experience. Our small class sizes guarantee you won’t be left behind or forgotten, allowing you to get better, in-depth knowledge and experience. We offer classes that accommodate your schedule. We understand that everyone is busy, so we’re flexible to you. Our program offers the most complete amount of knowledge in the shortest amount of time, keeping the completion time at seven months.

Our Barber Schedule

Hours9SubjectFlorida LawSchoolState
Hours60SubjectSanitization & SterilizationSchoolState
Hours4SubjectAIDS AwarenessSchoolState
Hours58SubjectShampooing and RinsesSchool300State50
Hours138SubjectHair StylingsSchool200State200
Hours30SubjectMustache & Beard TrimsSchool25State25
Hours41SubjectHair & Scalp TreatmentsSchool30State30
Hours76SubjectHair Coloring & BleachesSchool25State25
Hours130SubjectPermanent WavingSchool50State50
Hours54SubjectHair StraighteningSchool10State10
Hours320SubjectHair ShapingSchool300State300
Hours47SubjectStructure of the Skin & HairSchoolState
Hours50SubjectImplements, Tools & Equipment (including use of characteristics)SchoolState
Hours20SubjectSalon Management & SalesSchoolState
Hours1200SubjectTotal HoursSchoolState

Become a Barber Today

Truly great barbers always seem to be difficult to find. There’s plenty of people who never end up finding a shop or a barber they’re proud to be a regular of. With our barber college, we aim to fix that issue. We run our students through the history of barbers and their cutting-edge styles today. You’ll soon develop your own personal style and techniques to give your new clients the cut they’ve always wanted. Hone your craft in our effective and inclusive program. Join today and take your skills to the next level.

Barbering Costs

$150Registration Fee
$225Graduation/Processing Fee
$20,825 Total Cost of Your Education

All Fees subject to change

Have a Career in Less Than a Year!